.. _datasource_config_drive: Rbx Cloud ========= The Rbx datasource consumes the metadata drive available on platform `HyperOne`_ and `Rootbox`_ platform. Datasource supports, in particular, network configurations, hostname, user accounts and user metadata. Metadata drive -------------- Drive metadata is a `FAT`_-formatted partition with the ```CLOUDMD``` label on the system disk. Its contents are refreshed each time the virtual machine is restarted, if the partition exists. For more information see `HyperOne docs`_. .. _HyperOne: http://www.hyperone.com/ .. _Rootbox: https://rootbox.com/ .. _HyperOne Virtual Machine docs: http://www.hyperone.com/ .. _vfat: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File_Allocation_Table .. vi: textwidth=78