.. _cce-datasources: Configure datasources ********************* These examples show datasource configuration options for various datasources. The options shown are as follows: * ``timeout``: The timeout value for a request at metadata service * ``max_wait``: The length of time to wait (in seconds) before giving up on the metadata service. The actual total wait could be up to: ``len(resolvable_metadata_urls)*timeout`` * ``metadata_url``: List of URLs to check for metadata services. There are no default values for this field. EC2 === .. code-block:: yaml #cloud-config datasource: EC2: timeout : 50 max_wait : 120 metadata_url: - - http://instance-data:8773 MAAS ==== .. code-block:: yaml #cloud-config datasource: MAAS: timeout : 50 max_wait : 120 metadata_url: http://mass-host.localdomain/source consumer_key: Xh234sdkljf token_key: kjfhgb3n token_secret: 24uysdfx1w4 NoCloud ======= .. code-block:: yaml #cloud-config datasource: NoCloud: seedfrom: None fs_label: cidata user-data: | # This is the user-data verbatim meta-data: instance-id: i-87018aed local-hostname: myhost.internal * ``seedfrom``: The default value is None. If found, it should contain a URL with ``/user-data`` and ``/meta-data``. For example: ``seedfrom: http://my.example.com/i-abcde/`` * ``fs_label``: The label on filesystems to be searched for NoCloud source * ``user-data`` and ``meta-data`` (optional): Allows a datasource to be provided directly. SmartOS ======= .. code-block:: yaml #cloud-config datasource: SmartOS: # For KVM guests: # Smart OS datasource works over a serial console interacting with # a server on the other end. By default, the second serial console is the # device. SmartOS also uses a serial timeout of 60 seconds. serial_device: /dev/ttyS1 serial_timeout: 60 # For LX-Brand Zones guests: # Smart OS datasource works over a socket interacting with # the host on the other end. By default, the socket file is in # the native .zoncontrol directory. metadata_sockfile: /native/.zonecontrol/metadata.sock # a list of keys that will not be base64 decoded even if base64_all no_base64_decode: ['root_authorized_keys', 'motd_sys_info', 'iptables_disable'] # a plaintext, comma delimited list of keys whose values are b64 encoded base64_keys: [] # a boolean indicating that all keys not in 'no_base64_decode' are encoded base64_all: False